Welcome to lunadrop.

What is lunadrop.top?

Lunadrop is a hosting platform that provides game servers and the ability users to create their website through us.
Click here to learn more information about hosting your website through us

If you would like to support lunadrop. Please donate to us using this link (paypal)

Welcome to our webhosting section

Lunadrop offers the ability to host your website through us and have their very own subdomain
To get started, Please read below on how to get started.

To get started on hosting a website, is the requirement of a GitHub account. The reason why we use GitHub is so we can download your website that you want hosted through us.
You'll also need to send a email to sofiaslostt at gmail dot com. So we know what subdomain you will like to use.
Example: example.lunadrop.top

To start hosting with us, you will need to subscribe to our monthly plan. Click this link (paypal) to start your monthly plan

Welcome to our gameservers section

GameServer 1 - Minecraft

Welcome to our first game server hosted
on minecraft. Below is the information
that will be used to connect to the server.

Server Name LunadropMC
Server IP mc.lunadrop.top
Server Version 1.12.2 - 1.21.4